Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Renewal Grant
Posted: 12/9/2015

The Udall Foundation is proud to announce receipt of a $930,000 renewal grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation in Palo Alto, California. The two-year grant will support the U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution’s continued participation in high-impact work relating to the implementation of the Obama Administration’s National Policy for the Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts, and the Great Lakes (National Ocean Policy). Work supported by the grant will focus on several key areas, including the following:
- Providing high-quality collaboration services, including process consultation, neutral facilitation, assessment, and training, to support the National Ocean Council’s Governance Coordinating Committee and work in the West Coast, Pacific Islands, and Northeast Regions; and
- Supporting national and regional efforts to ensure that stakeholders and tribes are adequately engaged in ocean-planning activities, and that regions have the appropriate collaborative skills, knowledge, governance structures, and processes, to enhance ocean-planning sustainability.
The Udall Foundation’s U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution has actively worked on the implementation of the National Ocean Policy and related ocean-planning activities since 2010. Past work has been supported through an initial Moore Foundation Grant, as well as contributions from several federal funding sources. The U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution is an independent and impartial federal program that focuses on providing environmental collaboration and conflict resolution services.
For more information regarding the work of the National Ocean Council’s Governance Coordinating Committee, visit https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2015/11/02/state-tribal-and-local-leaders-take-steps-advance-national-ocean-policy.
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