About us
Budget and Performance
The documents on this page provide information about the Udall Foundation’s
long-term strategic goals, the methods and actions taken to
achieve our goals, and
how we report success. Combined, these documents demonstrate
how the Udall Foundation
uses public funds to achieve our mission.
The Udall Foundation's activities are supported by two distinct U.S. Treasury funds.
The scholarship, internship, and Parks in Focus® programs are supported primarily
by interest generated from a trust fund established by Congress; the Udall Foundation
may also accept private donations. The activities of the John S. McCain III National Center
for Environmental Conflict Resolution are supported by annual appropriations and fees charged for services.
The Udall Foundation’s strategic goals are to
- Strengthen the appreciation, stewardship, and collaborative processes for governance of the environment, public lands, and natural resources;
- Strengthen Native Nations to facilitate their self-determination, governance, and
human capital goals.
For more information on the Udall Foundation’s mission and goals, see our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan.
Performance and Accountability Report
The Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 requires federal agencies to report annually on their progress
in meeting the goals and objectives established by their Strategic Plan. Additionally, the Performance and Accountability Report
(PAR) provides performance and financial information that enables Congress and the public to assess the Udall Foundation’s
performance relative to the resources used. The PAR satisfies the reporting requirements as outlined in Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-136.
Udall Foundation FY 2024 Performance and Accountability Report
Congressional Budget Justification
The FY 2026 Congressional Budget Justification will be released in spring 2025. Contact the Udall Foundation for copies of prior fiscal year justifications.