Udall Undergraduate Scholarship

Apply - Udall Foundation Faculty Reps

Information about the online application, Udall Foundation Faculty Representative website, and how to become a Udall Foundation Faculty Rep.

Online Application
Beginning in October, faculty representatives may register their students for the online application at https://facultyreps.udall.gov. You may register as many students as you wish, although a maximum of eight applications may be submitted, and you may use the online system for your campus's internal selection process. If you have questions about the online registration and application process, see the instructions or contact Program Manager Jason Curley. A sample application is available for reference.

Submitting Applications
Application materials, including letters, transcript(s), and Tribal or permanent resident verification, must be submitted electronically using the online application system. The submission deadline is March 5, 2025. You may submit up to eight applications. Four of your candidates can be applicants whose careers will benefit Indian country (the Tribal policy and Native health care award categories), and four candidates can be applicants whose careers will benefit the environment.

Udall Faculty Representative Website
Update your institutional profile, register students for the online application, show your Udall Foundation Scholarship campus deadline on our website, and view your institution’s nomination history on the representative website. Additional resources to assist faculty reps in recruiting and advising applicants can be found in the "Just for FacReps" section.

Become a Faculty Representative
Udall Foundation faculty representatives are essential partners in the Udall Foundation's recruitment and selection of scholars. A Udall Foundation faculty rep advertises the Udall Foundation Scholarship competition on their campus; helps to recruit and identify potential scholars; advises students on how best to prepare their applications; and ensures that applications are complete and submitted by the deadline. Udall Foundation faculty reps can also help their students to have a positive, meaningful application experience, even when the student has not been selected as a scholar.

A faculty rep's principal responsibilities are to

  • Be familiar with the Scholarship criteria and with the Udall Foundation's mission;
  • Recruit applicants across campus for the three Scholarship categories;
  • Register students for the online application at http://facultyreps.udall.gov;
  • Advise students on how to best present themselves in the application;
  • Submit candidates' applications and required materials to the Udall Foundation by the deadline;
  • Update contact and institutional information at http://facultyreps.udall.gov; and
  • Contact the Udall Foundation if you have questions about the Scholarship program.

To become a faculty rep

  • Visit Apply first to be sure your institution has no active faculty rep;
  • Email Jason Curley with your full name, school name, title and school email address; and
  • If you are replacing someone as the faculty rep, please copy them on your email so the Udall Foundation is aware of the transfer of responsibility.